Welcome to Dr. Wise's new series: Too Stressed to Be Blessed
There are four ways that you can be a part of this powerful, insightful and helpful set of teachings on how to reduce and remove the stress in your life so that you can more freely access and enjoy the blessings of God.
1. Attend the teaching session where Dr. Wise will be teaching in person at Faith
Ministries Church (2747 Agler Rd. | Columbus, OH 43224) at 7 PM every
Tuesday between September 9th and November 11, 2014.
2. Watch the Tuesday night sessions streamed LIVE on the Internet at:
www.livestream.com/faithministrieschurch 7 PM.
3. Attend the Wednesday morning sessions where the prerecorded tape of the
Tuesday night session will be replayed and discussed at 10 AM at Faith
Ministries Church.
4. Watch the prerecorded tape of the Tuesday night teaching on the Internet 24/7
at www.livestream.com/faithministrieschurch whenever it is convenient for you
after the Wednesday following each teaching.
To have a copy of notes sent to you, click the button below. It will be $5.
Thanks for joining us!
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